Acoustic Ceiling Panel - Code

Rafael Ortega - Renowned for its ability to combine aesthetics and functionality - Code is the brains behind it. 

This eco-roof is unique, taking inspiration from coding systems to create a personalized and adaptive environment.

Code's great achievement lies in its total integration of elements, from lighting to signage, using the materials and colors of the ECO range. Its distinctive vertical ribs, made of ECO material, allow the generation of customizable visual codes by adjusting their distance, number and colour.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages that Code offers:

  • Timelessness and elegance: Code fuses modern and classic design, creating a timeless style that complements any setting. Its innate elegance enhances the aesthetics of any space.
  • Integrated lighting: Code it incorporates lighting in an innovative way, using its own ECO material to maximize efficiency and design. This integration allows for uniform and subtle lighting that enhances the atmosphere of the space.
  • Señalización personalizada: Con el techo acústico de Rafa Ortega, la señalización se convierte en una parte integral del diseño. Los colores y materiales de la gama ECO pueden usarse para crear señalizaciones únicas que se mezclan perfectamente con el techo.
  • Defining spaces and visual codes: Using the vertical ribs, you can create and modify visual codes that define and distinguish different areas. This is especially useful in large spaces or environments where clear demarcations are needed.
  • Infinite combinations of design and colors: Code provides a wide range of design and color options, allowing for almost endless customization. Whether you prefer a monochromatic look or a spectrum of vibrant colors, Code gives you the freedom to express yourself.
Tags acoustic panel, acoustic ceiling, acousting ceiling wall
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