Modular Sofa Soft Rock

With the generational shift occurring in the workforce, Generation Y now accounts for the largest percentage of the labour force participants, bringing along change in the work environment with them. Job satisfaction is very important for Millennials. They also believe that the ability to work successfully should not be confined to a formal setting, and that any place with an internet connection and a power supply to charge a laptop can become a place of work.

Focusing on your work while snuggling in comfort in a cushioned armchair or with your feet stretched out on a sofa has become a commonplace thing. A casual environment creates a relaxed atmosphere, makes interactions glide easier, boosts motivation levels encouraging people to focus more on the tasks at hand, and provides inspiration for creative work.

Being open to new things, a sense of freedom, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing situations were the source of inspiration behind SOFT ROCK lounge seating collection. Lounge seaters are no longer just a part of a lounge area. The SOFT ROCK lounge seaters blend subtly into all kinds of lounge or work spaces for both public and private use and help to create a welcoming, safe and calm atmosphere for relaxation, informal meetings, collaborative or individual tasks. This modular lounge seating system adds more freedom and mobility to modern offices and promotes a stress-free approach to daily tasks.

Tags sofa, armchairs
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from 300 EUR to 30000 EUR

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